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Antenna Resonance, Impedance, and Standing Wave Ratio: Some Basics About their Interrelationships

Writer's picture: Bill PowellBill Powell

To keep this as simple as possible I left out math and graphs which might be confusing. The graphic associated with the text is a snapshot that comes from an animation of SWR I found on the web at this site. The green curve represents the forward voltage, red the reflected voltage, and the blue the standing wave.

In radio frequency (RF) systems, the efficiency of signal transmission and reception is determined by several key factors, among which antenna resonance, impedance, and standing wave ratio (SWR) are crucial. These concepts are interrelated, and their optimal alignment is essential for minimizing signal loss and maximizing power transfer between the transmitter, transmission line, and antenna. This article explores each of these concepts and the critical relationships between them.

Antenna Resonance

Antenna resonance refers to the condition where the antenna's natural resonant frequency matches the frequency of the transmitted or received signal. When an antenna is resonant, it efficiently radiates or captures electromagnetic waves with minimal energy loss. This resonance is determined by the antenna’s physical dimensions, most commonly its length. For an antenna to be resonant for a specific frequency, its length should typically be a half-wavelength, quarter-wavelength, or some multiple of the wavelength at that frequency.

At resonance, the antenna’s impedance becomes purely resistive, and its reactance (the component that causes a phase shift between voltage and current) vanishes. This allows the antenna to radiate the maximum amount of energy without significant loss. If the antenna is not resonant, the efficiency drops, and a mismatch between impedance and transmission line characteristics arises.


Impedance, in the context of antennas, is a measure of how much the antenna resists or opposes the flow of alternating current (AC). It is composed of both resistance (real part) and reactance (imaginary part). The impedance of an antenna is critical because it needs to match the impedance of the transmission line — typically 50 ohms for most RF systems — for optimal energy transfer.

When the impedance of the antenna matches that of the transmission line, energy flows efficiently from the transmitter to the antenna. However, if there is a mismatch, some of the energy is reflected back toward the source, leading to signal loss. This mismatch can cause the transmitter to operate inefficiently and may even damage the equipment in extreme cases.

Standing Wave Ratio (SWR)

The Standing Wave Ratio (SWR), also seen as Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VWSR), is a key parameter used to assess the degree of impedance matching between the transmission line and the antenna. SWR is the ratio of the maximum to minimum voltage (or current) along the transmission line. It provides a straightforward way to measure how well the antenna is matched to the transmission line’s impedance.

An ideal system has an SWR of 1:1, indicating perfect impedance matching, where virtually all the power from the transmitter is radiated by the antenna. An SWR greater than 1 means there is some degree of mismatch. For example, an SWR of 2:1 indicates that for every two units of power sent to the antenna, one unit is reflected back. The higher the SWR, the greater the mismatch, which leads to more power loss, reduced efficiency, and increased risk of damage to the transmitter.

Relationships Between Resonance, Impedance, and SWR

The relationship between antenna resonance, impedance, and SWR is deeply intertwined. At resonance, the antenna’s impedance is purely resistive, which ideally matches the impedance of the transmission line. When these impedances match, the SWR is minimized — ideally at 1:1, which signifies optimal power transfer.

However, if the antenna is not resonant at the operating frequency, its impedance becomes more complex, involving both resistive and reactive components. This mismatch causes higher SWR values, as some of the energy is reflected back toward the source. The degree of mismatch can be quantified by the SWR, with higher values indicating worse impedance matching and more reflected power.

In summary, for efficient RF performance, it is essential that the antenna is resonant at the operating frequency, ensuring its impedance matches that of the transmission line. This alignment minimizes the SWR and maximizes the energy transfer from the transmitter to the antenna, resulting in clearer signals, improved range, and reduced risk of equipment damage. Understanding these three concepts and their interrelationships is vital for optimizing any RF system, whether for amateur radio, wireless communication, or broadcasting.



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