The story of the Shack revolves around the legacy of our founder, Dick Stout, KE7RD. In 1983 he sold his company, California Radio Sales, a major distributor of CB and related products, to John Talley, now Talley Electronics, a national distributor of cell phone infrastructure equipment. A substantial part of the proceeds was set aside for charity.
Years later Dick decided that the charity should be a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history of radio, electronics, and specifically amateur radio. In 2019 a building was purchased for that purpose. A small group of dedicated Hams rose to the occasion and converted a thrift shop and beauty salon into what we have today, the West Valley Ham Shack.
Those who gave their time and talent initially are:
Alven Brite, WE7I
Dan Ford, K2LH
Gary Franklin, K8BKB
Pat Regan (SK), KB7OM
Gary Robin, K9HDU
Bob Shoemaker (SK), KG6EJW
Dick Stout, KE7RD
Dick has been restoring antique radios for decades and had a well-equipped shop, loads of parts, test equipment, and tools. He also built up a large collection of restored radios and phonographs. It all moved to our newly renovated building.
We incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) and opened our wonderful facility to all persons who are interested in the hobby.